Earth Hour Cambodia

For its second year, Raffles Hotels in Cambodia is proud to join Earth Hour, the world's largest single environmental event.
Both hotels will show their support for climate change by turning off their lights for one hour on 27 March, 2010.

For its second year, Raffles Grand Hotel d’Angkor and Raffles Hotel Le Royal will join Earth Hour, a worldwide climate event led by the WWF (World Wildlife Fund). Together with over one billion people around the globe, they will send a powerful message that it’s possible to take action on global warming.

As environmental issues is one of the Raffles Hotels & Resorts concerns, to stand-up for this cause is a result of being proactive in ensuring a sustainable future. The brand has developed a significant environment and community program called REACH (Rendering Encouragement, Assistance, Care and Hope) which involves and support their colleagues to make a difference locally.
Saturday 27 March 2010, the two landmark Raffles hotels in the Kingdom of Cambodia will turn off their lights from 8.30pm to 9.30pm. They will also offer to their guests and patrons a meaningful candle-lit cocktail from 8pm to 10pm in their fine dining restaurants serving authentically local canapés with free flowing wine. The same event was held last year and it was inspiring to see how many people are conscious of the world climate situation.

© Raffles Hotel Le Royal
Candlelight cocktail and dinner in Restaurant Le Royal.
© Raffles Hotel Le Royal

Earth Hour, Raffles Hotel, Phnom Penh

Climate Change

Climate change is one of the defining issues of our time, and is set to radically transform the world in which we live.

The Mekong region’s heavily populated coastal areas are especially at risk from saltwater intrusion, inundation from rising seas, and more extensive floods arising from greater peak flows of the Mekong, Red, Chao Phraya and other rivers.

Among lower Mekong Basin countries, Laos and Cambodia are identified as the most vulnerable in part because of their limited capacity to cope with climate related risks (Yusuf and Francisco 2009). In all countries, climate change complicates existing problems.

Across the region, temperatures are rising and have risen by 0.5 to 1.5ºC in the past 50 years. While rainy seasons may contract over parts of the region,
overall rainfall is expected to rise. This means more intense rain events when they occur.

Read more about Climate Change in the Greater Mekong >>

Mitigation and Adaptation
Mitigation refers to efforts to reduce GHG emissions and to the enhancement of sinks (i.e., carbon sequestration). Afforestation, reforestation, and capturing and storing carbon from energy production and industrial processes are examples of carbon sequestration strategies. Energy conservation and switching to C-neutral renewable fuels are examples of reducing GHG emissions. Protecting, maintaining, and sustainably managing standing forests sequester carbon and reduce GHG emissions.

Although the Greater Mekong region is rapidly developing, there is still a window of opportunity to promote these mitigation options. However these should not be treated separately from adaptation strategies. In fact, forest
protection and management is both a mitigation strategy and an ecosystembased adaptation that can maintain the region’s resilience to climate change.

Climate change is a symptom of unsustainable development as much as a driver of change. If reducing emissions from deforestation and degradation (REDD) becomes an accepted strategy by the UN Framework Convention
on Climate Change (UNFCCC), there should be excellent opportunities for the region to benefit from the synergy of adaptation with mitigation.

Read more about adaptation and mitigation >>
Greater Mekong Climate Change map