Roadmap on promoting the Energy Transition in Viet Nam: Towards 100% Renewable energy by 2050 Report

Posted on 09 October 2023

The "Roadmap on Promoting the Energy Transition in Viet Nam: Towards 100% Renewable Energy by 2050" report was published in September 2023.
After finalizing and launching the Report "Viet Nam’s Energy Sector Vision: Towards 100% Renewable Energy by 2050" (Scenario Report), with 03 scenarios for the whole energy sector of Viet Nam (including BAU Scenario, 80% RE Scenario (80RE), and 100% RE Scenario (100RE) by 2050), the Project continuously developed a "Roadmap on promoting the Energy Transition in Viet Nam: Towards 100% Renewable Energy by 2050". The Report includes an overview of existing policy frameworks and identifies barriers and opportunities to accelerate RE deployment and contribute to NDC and Net-zero targets of Viet Nam.

Particularly, to create momentum to implement the 100RE Scenario, 04 specific recommendations in the immediate period from now to 2030 have been proposed as below:
  • Integration of RE development into the power sector;
  • Electrification of the transport sector;
  • Off-shore wind development;
  • Integration of emissions reduction targets with Viet Nam’s NDC goals;
Similar to the Scenario Report, this report has been developed in consultation with the technical working group, experts working in the energy sector, and other relevant stakeholders (representatives from Government, civil society, development partners, academia, private sector, etc.) in the Multi-Actor Partnership (MAP) Platform, to gather a wide range of perspectives and insights, ensuring these reports are well-informed and align with national policies and orientations in climate and energy-related works, as well as develop a pathway towards 100% RE future in Viet Nam.
Roadmap on promoting the Energy Transition in Viet Nam: TOWARDS 100% RENEWABLE ENERGY BY 2050 Report | SEPTEMBER 2023
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