An ambitious project to save forests, species and livelihoods
05 Feb 2020
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Whilst the new project, the Carbon & Biodiversity Project (“CarBi” for short[1]), is important for species and forest conservation, it will also enhance the income of the area’s culturally diverse people who also depend on forests for their livelihoods.
The project area, equivalent to the size of more than 280,000 football pitches, is important in the fight against global climate change as the forests remove carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere – also known as a carbon sink – and our aim is for this project to reduce global emissions by an estimated 1.8million tonnes of CO2.
WWF will work with partners, including local communities in the region to help rehabilitate, restore and protect the forest, including 4 protected areas, with two connecting corridors that will allow species to move between the areas. These protected areas provide unique habitat for some of Asia’s most charismatic and rare species, including many only recently discovered by scientists, such as the saola and douc.
The partnerships will also help to reduce the many threats the region is facing, including illegal or unsustainable logging, unsustainable agriculture and illegal timber trade, by training forest and local administration officials, and promoting sustainable forest management and sustainable livelihood initiatives that increase the income of local communities and businesses.
Overall the trans-boundary nature of the project will also help build future collaboration between both nations, Laos and Vietnam.
[1] The full title of the project is: Avoidance of deforestation and forest degradation in the border area of southern Laos and central Vietnam for the long-term preservation of carbon sinks and biodiversity (CarBi).
Click on the map above to learn more about WWF's work in the CarBi project area.
Fanie Bekker
Transboundary Director, CarBi Project
WWF-Greater Mekong
PO.Box 7871
Vientiane, Laos
T. +856 21 216080
F. +856 21 251883
© Thanh The Vinh / WWF Viet Nam
CarBi’s strong belief in creating a sound governance platform in close partnership with its highly valued government counterparts, also providing strong guidance, implementation support and oversight through an effective Project Management Unit system, further strengthened the momentum towards high impact results. The CarBi Family’s passionate and energized commitment to succeed as a collective, balanced with consistent honest reflection on lessons learned and concomitant adaptive management, allowed us to bring about significant change, but also reminded us that we still need to continue this journey towards the desired destination.
These stories will highlight how the CarBi Family succeeded in significantly improving Protected Area management effectiveness, how Payment for Forest Environmental Services (PFES) was used to stimulate financial sustainability, the rediscovery of some of the world’s rarest ungulates…and even a new snake species, a world class Forest Guard system destroying more than 100,000 snares, creating in excess of 170,000 person days employment, supporting integrated and high impact forest restoration, achieving more than 80 newspaper articles and reaching more than one million people through Facebook, and also attracting significant co-financing from a broad spectrum of donors, which also ensured collective value fore money.
If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. CarBi intentionally decided to take the latter route to ensure high impact at scale, sustainably. Although these stories are only small windows into some of the more significant CarBi interventions, we trust that you will share the rays of sunshine and warmth of hope with all the inhabitants of this unique, but fragile environment we are privileged to support.
-Fanie Bekker
Trans Boundary Director: CarBi
© Kayleigh Ghiot / WWF Vietnam
"Central Annamites is an ecoregion known for its globally outstanding biodiversity. These forests are home to many rare and endangered species including several newly discovered endemic species such as the Saola or the Giant Muntjac. However, economic development and population growth pose many threats to the region. Without urgent actions, the beauty and uniqueness of its nature and the ecoystem services that local people depend on could be lost.
Through KfW Development Bank, the German government is proud to play a role in conserving the region’s nature, at the same time contributing to the improvement of local livelihood through the “Avoidance of deforestation and forest degradation in the border area of Southern Laos and Central Vietnam for the long-term preservation of carbon sinks and biodiversity” project (called as CarBi project). After 6 years, the project has proven its capacity and commitment through outstanding achievements which have regional and global impacts. From bringing two countries (Laos and Vietnam) to working together at the borders to controlling illegal timber and wildlife trade to the world-rocking rediscovery of saola; from generating thousands of day works for local people to improving capacity to hundreds of government authorities and local people. CarBi project has put a smile on our faces when seeing its outcomes.
For us, the key to this success is choosing the right and capable organisation to deliver the works. With decades of experience, innovative approaches and passionate people, WWF earned our trust and they have proven that our support for the project has been worthwhile."
Christian Haas (Director, KFW Office Hanoi)
CarBi project is funded by KfW

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