Freshwater Activities 2008

Geographical location:

Asia/Pacific > Southeast Asia > Lao People's Democratic Republic

Wallago attu specimens from Nong Bok District. Laos.
© WWF Greater Mekong / Roger Mollot


This project will focus on activities which aim to build technical capacity and raise awareness for aquatic resources management and conservation of aquatic biodiversity.

This includes mapping of fisheries habitat, establishment of community aquatic resource management plans, participatory monitoring of fisheries, and biodiversity surveys of turtles, freshwater prawn, fish, and crocodiles.


Aquatic resources form a key component of rural livelihoods in Lao PDR. The rich aquatic biodiversity of the country offers food and income security to rural households. Effective management of aquatic resources is essential for the long-term conservation of aquatic biodiversity.

This project will build upon the existing experience of WWF Laos and partners in engaging communities, government agencies and policy makers towards building solutions to manage and conserve aquatic biodiversity.

Past experience of the project has helped to establish community aquatic resource management plans in over 25 areas in southern Laos. This information has been used to assist the government to draft national legislation on fisheries that accounts for community experience and roles in legally managing local regulations.


- Improve the technical capacity of communities and government agencies to implement aquatic resources management plans.

- Increase the knowledge base of aquatic biodiversity in Lao PDR.


Activities rely on information gathering using both local ecological knowledge of the resource users combined with technical approaches. This information guides the team in assisting communities to define the objectives of aquatic resource management, threats to these resources, and management interventions that will reduce or eliminate the threat.

By enlisting the resource users in defining management objectives, regulations and enforcement responsibilities, the project seeks to increase awareness and capacity of the role that communities should have in managing important aquatic resources.