Conserving Endangered Dolphins, Inner Gulf of Thailand

Geographical location:

Asia/Pacific > Southeast Asia > Thailand

Mating behavior of Irrawaddy dolphin in the Inner Gulf of Thailand
© WWF-Thailand


The project will ensure the survival of the remaining populations of dolphins in the Inner Gulf of Thailand through participatory research and participatory conservation interventions, supported by strengthened awareness raising and education.


- Survey dolphins in the Inner Gulf of Thailand in collaboration with the Department of Marine and Coastal Resources and selected fishermen villages.

- Increase understanding of local communities on their coastal resources. This could develop preliminary management interventions to improve coastal resource conservation and dolphin conservation.

- Strengthen civil society in conserving marine and coastal resources in the Inner Gulf provinces, with the conservation of dolphins being highlighted as flagship species in healthy ecosystems.

- Promote conservation education and raise awareness on conservation values (incl needs of dolphins) within schools and communities in remote areas.